
Fullscript’s color palette is divided into two: core colors and expanded colors. It’s important to know the distinction between the two and their use cases. Fullscript and Emerson Ecologics have different core palettes but share an expanded palette.

Core palettes

Our core palettes represent the main corporate colors for Fullscript and Emerson Ecologics. They are foundational to our designs and are used in greater quantities than our expanded palette in the majority of situations.

Expanded palette

Our expanded color palette allows for greater variety. This more vibrant palette projects health and wellness. They can be used to support campaigns and to draw attention when used in icons, labels, and illustrations.

Core palette – Fullscript
FS green
Grey 900
Grey 800
Grey 700
Grey 600
Grey 500
Grey 400
Grey 300
Grey 200
Grey 100
Green 900
Green 800
Green 700
Green 600
Green 500
Green 400
Green 300
Green 200
Green 100
Core palette – Emerson Ecologics
FS green
Grey 900
Grey 800
Grey 700
Grey 600
Grey 500
Grey 400
Grey 300
Grey 200
Grey 100
Blue 900
Blue 800
Blue 700
Blue 600
Blue 500
Blue 400
Blue 300
Blue 200
Blue 100
Expanded palette – Fullscript and Emerson Ecologics
Blue 900
Blue 800
Blue 700
Blue 600
Blue 500
Blue 400
Blue 300
Blue 200
Blue 100
Red 900
Red 800
Red 700
Red 600
Red 500
Red 400
Red 300
Red 200
Red 100
Purple 900
Purple 800
Purple 700
Purple 600
Purple 500
Purple 400
Purple 300
Purple 200
Purple 100
Orange 900
Orange 800
Orange 700
Orange 600
Orange 500
Orange 400
Orange 300
Orange 200
Orange 100
Sand 900
Sand 800
Sand 700
Sand 600
Sand 500
Sand 400
Sand 300
Sand 200
Sand 100


Our colors have been chosen to meet AA Level Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) to ensure accessibility for all. Text must be in shades 600 to 900 to adhere to accessibility guidelines. Shades 500 to 100 are primarily used for backgrounds and decorative elements.

These examples note that Fullscript green is not accessible as a text or background color. Use gray 700 for text where possible to ensure clear accessibility compliance.

Brand resources

Explore other brand resources available to the Fullscript Team.