How patient promos work

Fullscript manages, markets, and analyzes full-scale patient promotions on behalf of its providers multiple times annually. Thousands of Fullscript users jumpstart care by opting to help their patients save on supplements.

Patient promo opt-in

Opt in to promos

Opt in to one-off or all promos in a few clicks.

Fullscript discounts

Choose your discount

Select how much you want patients to save.

Fullscript rewards of promotions

See the results

Watch patients get re-engaged with wellness.

You opt in, Fullscript does the rest

What you do

Opt in
Ensure you’ve uploaded your patient list
Market the promotion to your patients with help from our marketing toolkit

What we do

Notify patients through multiple channels
Set up and activate the promotion on the platform
Implement marketing strategies and develop marketing materials for promotion awareness
Disable the promotion when it’s over
Support patient questions
Follow up with promotion results
Fulfill product orders in a timely manner

Cost is the #1 barrier to adherence, but it doesn’t have to be

A recent Fullscript survey determined that 70% of patients postpone their purchases due to cost. Here’s how our most recent patient promo helped.


increase in the number of existing patients who place their first order of the year.


increase in the number of new ordering patients who continue ordering after the promotion.

“With affordable prices through discounts, I can help my clients avoid purchasing from random or popular online sites and having to deal with potentially poor quality-controlled products.”

Geri Brewster RD, MPH, CDN, Joined Fullscript in 2015

“Patient promotions on Fullscript are fantastic, not only for my patients who get additional savings but also for my practice. It allows me to have a stable additional revenue stream that’s always helpful for small business owners.”

Steven Campbell, MD, Joined Fullscript in 2020


Keep patients engaged with patient promotions