Customer Support Policy
Our Customer Support mission statement
Supporting health professionals and patients on our shared mission to help people get better.
Our support channels
Our customers can expect quality support tailored to their needs and preferences. We offer a library of self-serve resources in our Support Center for immediate support that’s accessible at all times.
Personalized support is available by email, live chat, and phone. Agents are online seven days a week, Monday – Sunday. Visit our Support Center for hours of operation including upcoming holiday hours and closures.
Languages we support
We support various languages through our live chat and email channels using a combination of translation software and bi-lingual support agents. Phone support is currently available in English, Spanish, and French.
*We may need to arrange for an agent to call you back if you’re looking to connect with a French or Spanish speaker by phone. Please be patient with us so we can deliver a quality support experience for you!
Feedback Process
Customers can share their feedback on how Fullscript provides support by:
- Email (
- Phone (+1 866-807-3828)
- Direct messaging chat on our website and platform
All feedback, including complaints, will be handled promptly. Fullscript will make sure our feedback process is accessible to persons with disabilities by providing or arranging for accessible formats and communication supports, on request.
Any updates or changes to this policy will be posted on this page.
March 28, 2022 (v. 1.0)
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