While the cause of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis remains to be determined, research has demonstrated the beneficial effects of certain nutrients and plants.
Fullscript and Living Plate Rx: Bringing supplements and nutrition plans together
Easily set up and start dispensing supplements immediately from your Living Plate Rx platform.
Understanding Fibromyalgia: Natural Treatments and More
Fibromyalgia is a complex condition and we continue to learn more about its etiology, useful diagnostic methods, and effective treatments.
Bone Health: Examining the Evidence
Bone health is a complex structure that necessitates communication and synchronicity between various organs and tissues.
Strategies for Applying Epigenetics in your Practice: Proven Protocols for Clinical Success
Examine different genetic panels and learn how to implement epigenetic protocols into your practice.
Enhancing Fertility: Specific Nutrient Recommendations for Women and Men
Discover Dr. Marc Sklar’s insights on how to naturally enhance fertility for women and men.
Maximizing Digital in the Global Crisis: Load your Practice Predictably with an Automated Nurture System
Uli Iserloh discusses new strategies that help attract patients to your practice.
An Integrative Approach to Autoimmune Conditions
Autoimmune diseases are a group of at least 80 health conditions that involve an immune-mediated attack on the body’s own tissues.
Best Herbs For Sleep And Ways to Use Them
Medicinal herbs may offer a natural solution to sleep issues, without the problematic side effects with conventional prescription sleep medications.