the truth about adrenal fatigue with dr. aviva romm, md blog post
The Truth About Adrenal Fatigue with Dr. Aviva Romm, MD
Take a deep dive into the world of adrenal health, and what you can do to help patients fortify their lives and adrenals back to wellness.
gut to brain axis in health and disease blog post
Gut to Brain Axis in Health and Disease
The brain is the most nutrient-dependent, energy-dependent, and stress-vulnerable organ in the body. Learn how to support gut-to-brain health now!
cbd case studies blog post
CBD Case Studies
In this need-to-know clinical Q&A, Dr. Aimée Shunney will share 3 case studies from her practice focusing on CBD use for anxiety and depression.
breast cancer: thriving through treatment blog post
Breast Cancer: Thriving Through Treatment
There are predictable side effects caused by surgery, chemotherapy, radiation and hormone therapy. Many of these side effects are affected or directly caused by specific nutrient deficiencies. Listen as Dr. Lisa Price and Dr. Holly Lucille discuss how practitioners can safely help their cancer patients get through treatment with decreased morbidities.
building your practice with a live talk blog post
Building Your Practice With a Live Talk
othing attracts high-quality patients to your practice more effectively than an engaging, thought-provoking live presentation – given by the best spokesperson for your practice – YOU! Listen, as experts Mark J. Tager, MD and Robert Hughes host a lively and interactive session.
what you need to know about glutathione blog post
What You Need to Know About Glutathione
Dr. Ben Lynch and Dr. Holly Lucille tackle glutathione, one of the trickiest products to prescribe, and how to prevent or reverse its side effects.
beyond redox + nad support blog post
Beyond Redox + NAD Support
Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) has long been known to play a vital role in cellular energy production. But the more scientists learn about NAD, the more they appreciate its importance for maintaining cellular health and resisting metabolic stress.
cbd – what you need to know blog post
CBD – What You Need to Know
In this educational webinar, Dr. Lucille and Dr. Kuprowsky to dig into the details around CBD and it's clinical applications.
“the amazon effect” with fullscript and integrative therapeutics blog post
“The Amazon Effect” with Fullscript and Integrative Therapeutics
Explore this conversation and topic, as our panel of experienced practitioners will discuss the challenges they’ve faced with “The Amazon Effect”