Catalog Updates (US) – July 2023

Catalog Updates Jan 2023

Discover the new products and brands in our catalog — available now for wholesale ordering and virtual dispensing. New Brands   AlgaeCal is the global leader in all things bone health. It is their only area of focus and concern. Every product and service they provide is designed to help the more than 50 million […]

Catalog Updates (CA) – June 2023

Catalog Updates Canada April 2022

Brand name Product name NFH Intensity SAP Trophic Manganese Chelazome 90c Vitazan Professional Chaste Tree 250ml Green Beaver SPF 50 Adult lotion* Green Beaver SPF 50 Kid Lotion* Womensense PCOSense 387g Ortho Molecular Products Canada REACTED MAGNESIUM Ortho Molecular Products Canada MOTILITY PRO Cyto-Matrix Fertility Matrix Ovulatory & Oocyte Support Powder 276g Cyto-Matrix Fertility Matrix […]

Catalog Updates (US) – June 2023

Catalog Updates Jan 2023

Discover the new products and brands in our catalog — available now for wholesale ordering and virtual dispensing. BRAND PRODUCT Bioron Arnicare® Arthritis Cream DaVinci Labs Collagen Bright™ Toasted Cinnamon Designs for Health PerioPull™ Lemon Goli Goli Beets Cardio Gummies Microbiome Labs ZenBiome Dual Ortho Molecular ORTHO BIOTIC R 30 caps Protocol for Life Balance […]