Optimizes heart muscle function, maintains healthy blood pressure already in a normal range, balances blood lipids, strengthens the vascular system, and reduces oxidative stress.*

Cardio Tonic-BP®

3 capsules, one to two times daily. Take with or without food.

Maintains healthy blood pressure already in the normal range, strengthens heart muscle function.*


2 capsules, two to three times daily. Take with or without food.

Promotes healthy blood lipid metabolism.*


2 softgels, two times daily. Take with or without food.

Supports mitochondrial function, assists in the control of free radicals.*


3 capsules, one to two times daily. Take with or without food.

Provides key cardiovascular nutrients to aid mitochondrial function.*

Complete Omega Essentials®

4 softgels daily. Take with or without food.

Supports healthy cardio-related inflammatory response.*

Night Gain®

4 capsules daily. Best taken before bed, with or without food.

Encourages healthy testosterone levels essential for heart muscle health, promotes healthy blood circulation.*

Quercetin Plus

1 capsule, one to two times daily. Take on empty stomach

Benefits endothelial function, supports healthy blood pressure and lipid metabolism.*

Iron Synergy®

1 capsule, one to three times daily. Take on an empty stomach.

Supplies food-grown, bioavailable iron to build blood and support overall health.*

Dual-Mag Complex™

3 capsules daily. Take with food.

Promotes healthy heart and cardiovascular function.*


2 capsules, two times daily. Take on an empty stomach.

Promotes heart muscle health.*


The Fullscript Integrative Medical Advisory team has developed or collected these protocols from practitioners and supplier partners to help health care practitioners make decisions when building treatment plans. By adding this protocol to your Fullscript template library, you understand and accept that the recommendations in the protocol are for initial guidance and may not be appropriate for every patient.

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