
1 capsule two times daily with food. Safe for long-term use.

BioThy contains a combination of minerals, amino acids, and protein to support normal thyroid function, through the improved production and secretion of thyroid hormones. Deficiency in zinc, selenium, or iodine may result in low thyroid function and increase the risk of developing goiter and hypothyroidism. (14)(15)(17)  BioThy works to restore and maintain healthy thyroid function and address iodine, zinc, or selenium deficiency.

Hypothyroidism (low thyroid function) results when the thyroid gland does not produce and secrete enough thyroid hormone, affecting 4.6% of the population. (1)(2) Symptoms of hypothyroidism include fatigue, weight gain, constipation, brittle thinning hair and hair loss, dry skin, memory issues and low mood, hoarseness, muscle aches and weakness, libido and fertility issues, and chilliness. (3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)

BioThy thyroid health benefits:

  • Maintains normal thyroid function (9)(10)(13)(15)
  • Supports production of thyroid hormones (T3, T4) and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) (9)(11)(14)(16)(17)
  • Converts T4 to the bioactive T3 form of thyroid hormone (11)
  • Protects the thyroid from inflammation and free radical damage (12)
  • Produces thyroglobulin, a precursor to making thyroid hormones (T3, T4) (18)
  • Decreases cognitive fatigue due to physically stressful situations (19)
  • Improves symptoms associated with low thyroid function
  • Prevents iodine, zinc, or selenium deficiency

Key features: Supports and maintains normal thyroid function, antioxidant and multi-mineral, increases production and secretion of T3 and T4 thyroid hormones, thyroglobulin precursor to T3 and T4 hormones, converts T4 to bioactive T3 thyroid hormone, increases the production of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), improves cognitive fatigue due to stress, and prevents iodine, zinc, and selenium deficiency.


The Fullscript Integrative Medical Advisory team has developed or collected these protocols from practitioners and supplier partners to help health care practitioners make decisions when building treatment plans. By adding this protocol to your Fullscript template library, you understand and accept that the recommendations in the protocol are for initial guidance and may not be appropriate for every patient.

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  1. Hollowell, J.G., Staehling, N.W., Flanders, W.D, et al. Serum TSH, T4, and Thyroid Antibodies in the United States Population (1988 to 1994): National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III). J Clin Endocrinol Metab.2002;87(2):489–499
  2. Golden, S.H., Robinson, K.A., Saldanha, I., et al. Prevalence and incidence of endocrine and metabolic disorders in the United States: A Comprehensive Review. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology Metabolism. 2009;94(6):1853-1878.
  3. Costanzo L.S. Thyroid Hormones. Physiology. 4th ed. Philadelphia. Saunders Elsevier. 2010. p. 401–9. 
  4. Gaitonde, D.Y., Rowley, K.D., Sweeney, L.B.  Hypothyroidism: An Update. Am Fam Physician. 2012 Aug 1;86(3):244-251.
  5. Duyff RF, Van den Bosch J, Laman DM, et al. Neuromuscular Findings in Thyroid Dysfunction: A Prospective Clinical and Electrodiagnostic Study. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 2000;68:750-755.
  6. Thyroid Function Testing in the Diagnosis and Monitoring of Thyroid Function Disorder. BC Oct 2018
  7. Vincent, M., Yogiraj, K. A Descriptive Study of Alopecia Patterns and their Relation to Thyroid Dysfunction. Int J Trichology. 2013 Jan-Mar; 5(1): 57–60.
  8. Hypothyroidism, National Endocrine and Metabolic Diseases Information Service. US Department of Health and Human Services: National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Aug 2016.
  9. Maxwell, C., Volpe, S,L. Effect of Zinc Supplementation on Thyroid Hormone Function. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism. Ann Nutr Metab 2007;51:188-194
  10. Ertek, Sibel, et al. Relationship Between Serum Zinc Levels, Thyroid Hormones and Thyroid Volume Following Successful Iodine Supplementation. Hormones. 2010;9(3):263-8.
  11. Kralik A, Eder K, Kirchgessner M. Influence of Zinc and Selenium Deficiency on Parameters to Thyroid Hormone Metabolism. Horm Metab Res. 1996;2(8):223-226.
  12. Negro, R. Selenium and thyroid autoimmunity. Biologics. 2008 Jun; 2(2): 265–273.
  13. Ventura, M., Melo, M., Carrilho, F. Selenium and Thyroid Disease: From Pathophysiology to Treatment. Int J Endocrinol. 2017; 2017: 1297658
  14. Ambooken, B., Binitha, M, Sarita, S. Zinc deficiency associated with hypothyroidism: an overlooked cause of severe alopecia.  Int J Trichology. 2013 Jan;5(1):40-2.
  15. Wu, Q., Rayman, M.P., Lv, H. Low Population Selenium Status Is Associated With Increased Prevalence of Thyroid Disease.  J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2015 Nov;100(11):4037-47
  16. Hollowell, J.G., Staehling, N.W., Hannon, W.H., et al. Iodine nutrition in the United States. Trends and public health implications: iodine excretion data from National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys I and III (1971-1974 and 1988-1994). J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1998 Oct;83(10):3401-8.
  17. Zimmermann, M.B., Boelaert, K. Iodine deficiency and thyroid disorders. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. 2015 Apr;3(4):286-95.
  18. Rousset, B., Dupuy, C., Miot, F., Dumont, J. Endotext [Internet]. Chapter 2 Thyroid Hormone Synthesis and Secretion. 2015.
  19. Bloemendaal, M., Frobose, M.I., Wegman, J., et al. Neuro-Cognitive Effects of Acute Tyrosine Administration on Reactive and Proactive Response Inhibition in Healthy Older Adults. eNeuro. 2018 Mar-Apr;5(2)