Committed to curating a top-quality catalog

The FQP’s quality vetting is rigorous to make sourcing safe, effective supplements simple for your practice and patients.

Our educational resources, innovative platform, and team of quality specialists empower you to make safe, effective supplement recommendations.

NSF-registered warehouses

cGMP-audited brands

Samples selected for finished product testing

1:1 supplier relationships

No third-party resellers

Vetted by real practitioners

Over $10,000,000

The FQP’s three pillars of quality

We believe everyone deserves access to safe and effective supplements. These principles guide us in creating a simpler path to high-quality health outcomes.


Quality sourcing

We maintain close relationships with many trusted, third-party certified manufacturers to exercise control over the sourcing of products. Each product is reviewed for regulatory compliance with samples being vetted for purity, potency, and transparency.

Quality testing

We conduct ongoing product testing to verify ingredient purity and potency. The FQP is an industry-leading supplement quality assurance program that ensures products available on Fullscript continue to meet or exceed the highest quality standards.

Quality specialists

Experienced healthcare professionals review our partners, oversee testing, and guide our educational programming. Quality experts ensure facility standards are met, regulatory compliance is maintained, and adverse event processes are robust. And lastly, Customer Success Specialists ensure customers receive new or alternative products in the rare event of a quality concern.

Why practitioners trust Fullscript for supplement quality

Hear from real practitioners how the Fullscript Quality Program has saved them time and made a difference in their patients’ health outcomes.

Simplify access to high-quality supplements