
of patients were at least somewhat affected by a
lack of motivation and/or positive attitudes


of patients were at least somewhat affected by the cost of resources


of patients were at least somewhat affected by 
a lack of time

What’s preventing patients from changing their behavior?

Exploring the barriers to behavioral change can help you identify the most effective strategies for long-lasting healthy behaviors.

In a recent survey of over 600 Fullscript patients, respondents listed these top three barriers.


Key stages for behavioral change

Here are five key stages practitioners should consider to support behavioral change.

Awareness: Understand the role and impact that patient behavior plays in long-term adherence and health outcomes.
Strategies: Identify specific evidence-based techniques and interventions to implement for ongoing support.
Assessment: Measure your patient's readiness and ability to change using validated tools and resources.
Technology: Leverage new tools and innovations in behavioral change support.
Empowerment: Provide the knowledge and environment to help patients succeed.

Find out more in Fullscript’s Behavioral change report

Download our free report on behavioral change in integrative medicine for evidence-based insights and strategies that support your patients’ long-term treatment goals.

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